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农垦高中“导引---探究---提升”三段式教学模式导学案 展示

2021年12月03日 08:08:02 访问量:354 作者:李红 侯悦

              Unit five  Revealing nature  Understanding ideas

自我评价 你完成本节导学案的情况为A. 很好   B. 较好  C. 一般   D. 较差

学习目标通过阅读课文,了解达尔文完成<< 物种起源 >> 故事引导学生体会科学探索的艰辛,学习科学家不畏艰难,勇敢探索的科学精神和创新精神。


学习难点:1.感知记叙文的结构,按照事件发展顺序梳理达尔文的发现之旅 。



学法指导: 自主预习,结合教材,完成导学案部分。


1.Do some research about Charles Darwin’s life story and relevant achievement.



1.Divide the passage into 3 parts according to the time order

Before the journey

During the journey

After the journey

2.Choose the main idea of the passage and give your reasonsP52

Darwin’s interest in various living things made him a great naturalist

Darwin’s journey on the Beagle inspired his Theory of Evolution

Darwin went on a journey to confirm his theory that humans had evolved over time


Number the puzzle in pieces in order.Organize information from the passage

and complete them (小组合作探究)P52


Think and share

1. What kind of person was Darwin according to the passage ?



2.How did he make such a great discovery? What can you learn from him?



训练提升1.Summary of the text

   The captain of the ship named the Beagle wanted someone to profit by 1________(visit) distant countries. Luckily, Darwin got the opportunity,2______________he was not the captain's first choice. Darwin was a geologist and naturalist, 3____________(fascinate) by rocks,plants and animals. The journey gave him the chance 4__________(study) various living things in their natural environments. After Darwin 5______________(spend) some time in South America, his room was crowded with samples of the plants and animals he had collected.He began to consider the question 6_____different species came to exist. He noticed that some species of animals were very similar 7____each other.Maybe animals evolved as they adapted to their 8____________(change) environments? Darwin decided to find out the truth. In 1835,Darwin saw a variety of new species, but it was the birds that interested him the most. After much research,he came to the 9_________(conclude)that new species evolved from earlier ancestors. Darwin explained this theory in his book,On the Origin of Species , which10_______________(regard)as one of the most important works ever written. It has changed ideas about the life on Earth forever,and it all began with the journey on the Beagle.

2.Super interview

One student acts as Darwin and the other acts as a journalist to make up a dialogue

Reporter:-- Hi I am XX ,a journalist from China

I like your new book very much.Where did you get your inspiration?

2.Super interview

One student acts as Darwin and the other acts as a journalist to make up a dialogue

Reporter:-- Hi I am XX ,a journalist from China

I like your new book very much.Where did you get your inspiration?

Darwin: -- Hi You know that______________________________________________


Darwin: ______________________________________________________________


Darwin: -______________________________________________________________

Reporter: ______________________________________________________________

Darwin: --______________________________________________________________


作业:1.Write a news report about Darwin

      2.Learn the important phrases and sentences in the text


                                                                                                Nothing in the world is difficult 


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